Monday, 13th June 2022 | Management

A shortened workweek: fad or the future of work?

The idea of a four-day workweek is becoming mainstream, and there are a lot of pros and cons to consider. Could this strategy benefit your small business? Read on to find out if this concept is right for you.

No longer just the purview of progressive European companies, the concept of a four-day workweek has hit the mainstream in North America through think pieces, research, and the nightly news. While it’s undeniable that the face of work is changing, what’s less clear is whether a four-day workweek will be part of this future. For Canadian businesses, now is the time to acquaint yourself with the pros and cons of a shortened workweek.

A transforming workplace

The idea of a shortened workweek is not new. The concept—which has employees working a four-day week for the same pay, benefits, and to complete the same workload—has been under review in several countries, notably Iceland. The United Kingdom will be piloting a shortened workweek this year and Belgium has announced in 2022 it will begin offering this arrangement to employees who want it. 

Better work-life balance, increased productivity, environmental concerns, and the wastefulness of maintaining in-person workspaces are all drivers for the four-day workweek. And according to current data, the scheme is effective in all areas. 

Now, as employees are returning to the workplace after a pandemic hiatus, old complaints are resurfacing. Long commutes, a lack of control over personal time, expensive lunches, and the threat of communicable disease all make change attractive. 

What's in it for Canadian small businesses?

Use this list of pros and cons to help you determine whether a shortened workweek is a strategy that could benefit your business. 

The Pros

Here are the three main ways a four-day workweek could benefit you:

A great perk to attract top talent

Increasingly, attracting and retaining quality employees is a challenge for employers. The ability to condense the workweek into four days is a big bonus for job-seekers.

An incentive to retain staff instead of increasing pay

If increasing salaries is beyond your means, offering a four-day workweek can be a way to entice staff to stay in the long term.

Better work/life balance means a happier, more productive staff

When your employees are happy, the benefits are multifold. They’re more pleasant and motivated, more likely to remain with your company and recommend it to others, and they’re more effective and productive. 

Additionally, a shortened workweek: 

  • Decreases office expenses
  • Reduces commuting time and therefore individuals’ carbon footprint  
  • Fosters equity in the workplace as it’s a more accessible model, particularly for people who also have childcare responsibilities


The four-day workweek might not be appropriate for every type of business or every kind of employee. Here are some considerations:

It can be expensive

Paying employees for hours not worked can be a payroll puzzle. This is especially a concern in industries like factory work where the hours worked can quite literally translate into productivity.

Customer satisfaction and client relations could suffer

If your business relies on the continuity of customer-facing staff, you might have to get creative around scheduling to ensure customer satisfaction doesn’t wane.

A compressed workweek could mean longer workdays 

When considering a shorter workweek, make the distinction between working four regular eight-hour days and working 40 hours in four days. This concept can take on many different forms depending on the type of business, however, longer workdays can nullify many of the benefits of a compressed workweek. The idea is to remove a portion of work hours from the week, not cram the same amount into a shorter timeframe.  


As an increasing number of companies consider the four-day workweek, the idea is bound to mainstream. Now is the time to weigh the pros and cons of this kind of implementation for your business.

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5 Cost-Effective Strategies to Scale Your Canadian Small Business

Congratulations! You've built a thriving small business. But with success comes the exciting (and sometimes daunting) question: Is it time to grow? This guide explores the signs your business is ready for expansion and offers 5 cost-effective strategies to achieve it, all while keeping your finances in check.

Why Grow Your Business?

The definition of success varies greatly between businesses. Some prioritize revenue, while others focus on community impact. Regardless of your goals, a thriving small business is a strong indicator of potential for growth. Here are some key reasons to consider scaling your operations:

  • Demand: Are you struggling to meet increasing customer demand for your products or services? Expanding your capacity through additional staff or inventory can help.
  • Profit: Healthy profits allow you to reinvest in growth initiatives. Analyze your current profit margins to determine if expansion is financially viable.
  • Longevity: Many businesses strive for long-term success. Consider how growth will impact your business's sustainability and future potential.

Is Your Canadian Business Ready to Expand?

Here are some key factors to consider before taking the leap:

  • Growing Team: A growing team suggests your business is handling an increased workload. Hiring additional staff is a clear sign you're ready to handle more.
  • Unable to Meet Demand: Are you turning away customers due to limited capacity? If so, this indicates a need for expansion to capitalize on existing demand.
  • Abundant Cash and Financial Stability: While increased revenue is a positive sign, it's not the only factor. Analyze your overall financial health to ensure expansion won't strain your resources.
  • Meeting or Exceeding Business Goals: Surpassing your existing goals demonstrates a successful business model. Scaling your operations can help you achieve even greater success.
  • Too Much Space or Resources: Are you finding yourself with unused space or underutilized resources? This could be a sign you're ready to expand your product offerings or customer base.
  • Intuition: Sometimes, your gut feeling is the best indicator. Trust your instincts alongside the data if you feel strongly about scaling your business.

5 Cost-Effective Strategies to Grow Your Canadian Business

Growth doesn't have to break the bank. Here are 10 ways to achieve sustainable business expansion without overspending:

  1. Start with a Growth Business Plan: Don't jump in blindly. Create a roadmap outlining your specific growth goals and strategies. Revisit your original business plan and adapt it to reflect your new ambitions.
  2. Do Your Research: Educate yourself on Canadian industry trends and competitor strategies. Talk to other entrepreneurs who have successfully scaled their businesses. By gathering information, you can avoid costly mistakes and make informed decisions. 
  3. Nurture Your Existing Customers: Loyal customers are your most valuable asset. Prioritize excellent customer service and implement strategies to retain their business.
  4. Leverage Social Media: Build a strong social media presence to connect with potential customers organically. Utilize free social media tools to create engaging content and interact with your audience.
  5. Automate Tasks: Free up valuable time and resources by automating repetitive tasks. Explore cost-effective automation tools that streamline processes like scheduling, payroll, and data management.

Focus on What Matters Most: Growing Your Business

Running a Canadian small business requires dedication on many fronts. When it comes to growth, securing the right financing can be a major hurdle. At iCapital, we help you overcome this hurdle and free you to focus on what matters most: Growing your business.

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Unplugging for Success: How Small Business Owners Can Take a Well-Deserved Vacation

In the whirlwind of running a small business, taking a vacation might seem like a distant dream. However, it's precisely when you're in charge that you must prioritize your well-being and rejuvenate yourself. Planning a vacation isn't just about booking flights and accommodation; it's about ensuring your business can thrive in your absence and that you can return rejuvenated and ready to tackle new challenges. Let's delve into how small business owners can successfully unplug and enjoy a well-deserved break.

Planning for Success 

Start by considering the best time of year for your getaway—ideally when projects are wrapping up, and sales are steady but not overwhelming. Tie up loose ends before you leave, pay bills in advance and update clients and suppliers about your absence. Provide them with contact information for someone who can assist them while you’re away.

Empowering Your Team

If you have a team, view your vacation as an opportunity for them to shine. Begin preparing them well in advance, gradually delegating more responsibilities as your departure date approaches. Offer detailed instructions for complex tasks and discuss potential scenarios they may encounter in your absence. This empowers your team and fosters a culture of trust and accountability within your business.

For entrepreneurs or sole proprietors without a team, automation can be a game-changer in maintaining business operations during your absence. Embrace the power of AI and automation tools to streamline processes and keep your business running smoothly. Consider utilizing answering services to handle customer inquiries and appointment bookings, allowing you to step away without compromising customer service. Automate bookkeeping and computer processes wherever possible, striking a balance between maintaining service levels and ensuring your business retains its personal touch.

Unplugging for True Relaxation

Strive to minimize contact with clients and staff while you’re away, allowing yourself a true break. Schedule occasional check-ins if necessary, but limit them to specific times and stick to the plan. Communicate with your staff about how they can reach you in case of emergencies, but otherwise, resist the urge to constantly check-in.

Returning Refreshed and Rejuvenated

Upon your return, keep your schedule clear for the first few days to catch up on missed tasks. Make a list of items requiring immediate attention to help you ease back into work seamlessly. Remember, taking a break allows your body to recharge, leading to increased productivity upon your return.

Embracing the Benefits of Vacation

If you’re still hesitant to take a vacation, consider the benefits it offers. Time away from work allows your mind and body to recharge, leading to increased productivity and creativity upon your return. Even short breaks can profoundly impact your overall well-being and business success.

Prioritizing self-care isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for sustainable business growth. By planning strategically, empowering your team, and embracing the benefits of unplugging, you can enjoy a well-deserved vacation while ensuring your business continues to thrive in your absence. So book that trip and savour the opportunity to unwind and recharge. Your business—and your future self—will thank you for it. 


Springing Forward: Essential Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

As the world awakens from the slumber of winter, small businesses have an opportunity to tap into the vibrant energy of spring and breathe new life into their marketing strategies. Just as nature undergoes a transformation, so too can your marketing strategies. Spring presents a golden opportunity for you to refresh your approach and connect with your customers in meaningful ways. Here are six essential marketing tips tailored specifically for small businesses like yours as we transition into the season of growth:

Host Engaging Events:

Springtime calls for outdoor gatherings and community events that bring people together. From street fairs to garden parties, consider hosting events that showcase your brand and provide value to attendees. These events offer a unique opportunity for you to connect with your customers on a personal level, fostering relationships and building brand loyalty.

Refresh Your Branding:

Just as the world outside undergoes a transformation, consider giving your branding a fresh update. Infuse your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials with imagery and messaging that captures the spirit of the season. Whether it's incorporating vibrant colours or using nature-inspired themes, refreshing your branding can captivate your audience and make your brand stand out.

Offer Springtime Promotions:

Take advantage of the season to offer enticing promotions and discounts that resonate with your audience. Whether it's a spring sale, a limited-time offer, or a special promotion tied to seasonal activities, create a sense of urgency to encourage customers to take action. By aligning your promotions with the themes of spring, you can drive sales and attract new customers to your business.

Connect with Your Community:

Spring is a time for renewal and connection, making it the perfect opportunity for you to engage with your local community. Partner with other businesses or organizations to co-host events, sponsor local initiatives, or participate in community clean-up efforts. Demonstrating your commitment to your community can build goodwill and strengthen your brand's reputation.

Embrace Seasonal Content:

Spring offers a wealth of opportunities to create content that resonates with your audience. From tips for spring cleaning to ideas for outdoor activities, leverage the season to provide value to your customers through your blog, social media, and email newsletters. By sharing timely and relevant content, you can strengthen your relationship with your audience and position your brand as a trusted resource.

Track and Measure Results:

As you implement your spring marketing initiatives, be sure to track and measure their effectiveness. Use analytics tools to monitor key metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and sales performance. By analyzing the data, you can gain valuable insights into what's working and what's not, allowing you to refine your strategy and optimize your efforts for maximum impact.

Spring gives your small business an invaluable chance to revitalize your marketing endeavours and forge deeper connections with your customers. By integrating these essential marketing tips into your strategy, you can harness the vibrant energy of the season and position your business for growth and success in the months ahead. So let's seize the spirit of spring and spring forward together towards a bright and prosperous future for your business.


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