Friday, 19th February 2021 | Management

Protecting your online presence from cybercrime

Small businesses are susceptible to cybercrime attacks. Here's what you need to know to protect your business.

Contrary to popular belief, cybersecurity is not just a problem for big enterprises. In 2019, one in five SMBs was the subject of an attack and 37% of those estimated their damage to be more than $100,000, according to an Insurance Bureau of Canada poll about cybercrime and small- or medium-sized businesses. Worse yet, cybercrime is on the rise in Canada, according to the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security’s 2020 National Cyber Threat Assessment Report and the technology is becoming more sophisticated. If you’re a small- or medium-sized business, you’re not immune from attacks but there are things you can do to bolster your security. Read on to learn more about cybercrime and how you can protect your business.

Why SMBs should be concerned about cybercrime

When it comes to cybercrime, the media tends to report on large-scale hacks and major security breaches but Canada’s small- and medium-sized businesses are at as much risk—and may not be as prepared. In the early days of the internet, hackers were mostly interested in mega-corporations and government--organizations that could yield massive pay-offs when breached. These days, though, there’s money to be made from smaller businesses. If you operate un- or inadequately protected, hackers could get into your databases and they’re chock full of identities waiting to be stolen, contacts ready to be exploited, or cash for the taking. Even simpler, hackers might gain entry to your website and hold it for ransom, as happened to a Canadian insurance company in 2019. If you’re breached, the financial cost alone can be crippling, never mind the damage done to your reputation and ability to do business.

Cybersecurity basics: What you can do right now to increase security

Every business, no matter how small, should have security measures in place to protect against cybercrime. Despite this, as many as 40% of SMBs are completely unprotected. One reason for this is the misconception that cybersecurity is highly technical, complicated, and costly, but the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security asserts that this is just not true. In fact, they provide a “baseline” document outlining 13 basic measures SMBs can undertake to bring their cybersecurity practices up to date.

Make an incident response plan
A 2018 Statistics Canada survey found that 87% of respondents lacked a response plan. Plan ahead to make sure your business is able to recover quickly should you become the target of a cyberattack.

Make patching automatic
You know how your systems and applications sometimes show that there’s an update waiting? These updates are usually patches and very frequently have to do with internet security. You can increase your security by selecting “automatic updates” for your systems and hardware rather than having them installed manually.

Use firewalls and anti-malware software
Getting suitable security software can protect your system against cyberattacks.

Use secure your devices Gone are the days of using default passwords.
Configure your devices by changing your passwords, reviewing settings, disabling extras, and enabling any security features.

Codify strong user authentication
Believe it or not, one of the most common ways hackers gain access is through guessing passwords. Develop a password policy, such as using passphrases, having a minimum number of characters, and including a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Also, consider multi-factor authentication where more than one method is required to log in.

Train your employees
Raising employee awareness about the issues and training them on the proper use of company systems and machines will reduce the risk of cybersecurity breaches, many of which depend on the ignorance or haste of the user. “Most cyberattacks are socially engineered, designed to illicit a hasty response from the user, and that is when the real damage can occur,” says Humzah Khaial, Managing Director at Numentis. “Nobody expects a computer to be infected, especially when working from home, which is why it catches most people completely off guard.”

Backup and encrypt your data
If you have a secure, encrypted back-up, you can recover quickly from a security breach.

Secure your mobile devices
Many companies use mobile technologies like smartphones as part of their day-to-day business. These devices need to be secured. Consider a corporately owned, personally enabled (COPE) model or corporately owned business-only (COBO) approach. In either scenario, users should only use apps from trusted vendors.

Adopt basic perimeter defences
Networks, Wi-Fi, and VPNs are all ways to gain access to your system. Implement defences including firewalls, encryption, and two-factor authentication.

Secure cloud and outsourced IT
If you store information in the cloud or use outsourced IT services, make sure you know how sensitive information is handled, and what protections you have. Also, be aware that if your data is held somewhere other than Canada it will be subject to different privacy laws.

Secure your websites
As a customer-facing asset, your website can’t afford a breach. Start securing it with the Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), a list of security requirements and controls to implement during all phases of web application development.

Enable access control and authorization
Most computers use accounts where an individual must enter a username and password. Make sure you have unique logins for all employees and disable old accounts when employees leave. Don’t use shared accounts. Be sparing with who has administrator access.

Secure your portable media
USB drives, hard drives, and memory cards are all examples of portable media, and they should all be secured with encryption whether they’re in the office or not. Also, be wary of drives received from others (such as at a conference) as they may contain malware. Don’t use them until they’ve been assessed.

This list may seem overwhelming but each of these actions can prevent a costly cyberattack. “It’s critical that Canadian businesses take a 360-degree approach to managing cybersecurity risk,” says Khaial, adding that a framework of prevention, protection, and education is the most effective strategy.

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Money-Saving Strategies for Small Businesses

Financial planning is crucial for small businesses, especially in today's dynamic economic landscape. At iCapital, we understand the importance of maximizing savings to ensure the sustainability and growth of your business. Here are some updated money-saving tips tailored for small businesses in Canada:

1. Embrace Technological Advancements

Investing in digital solutions can streamline operations and significantly cut costs. Consider integrating cloud-based accounting, project management, and communication software to eliminate the need for expensive hardware and maintenance. Additionally, leveraging AI tools can further enhance efficiency and productivity.

2. Negotiate Vendor Contracts

With economic uncertainties, vendors are often open to negotiation. Review your contracts regularly and negotiate better terms or discounts with suppliers. Consolidating purchases with fewer vendors can also lead to volume discounts and cost savings.

3. Go Green

Reducing your environmental footprint can also translate into cost savings. Implement energy-efficient practices such as using LED lighting, optimizing heating and cooling systems, and reducing water consumption. Not only will this lower utility bills, but it will also enhance your business's sustainability credentials.

4. Remote Work Opportunities

The shift towards remote work has proven to be cost-effective for many businesses. By allowing employees to work from home, you can reduce overhead costs associated with office space, utilities, and maintenance. Invest in collaboration tools and cybersecurity measures to support remote work effectively.

5. Optimize Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing offers cost-effective avenues for promoting your business. Focus on targeted online advertising, email marketing campaigns, and social media engagement to reach your audience efficiently. Monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and adjust strategies based on data analytics to maximize ROI.

6. Automate Routine Tasks

Automation can streamline repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing human error. Explore automation tools for accounting, inventory management, and customer service to increase efficiency and productivity while minimizing labour costs.

7. Monitor Cash Flow

Maintaining healthy cash flow is essential for small businesses. Implement robust cash flow management practices, including regularly monitoring accounts receivable and accounts payable and optimizing payment terms with vendors to avoid unnecessary expenses and late fees.

8. Seek Financial Assistance

In challenging times, accessing external funding can provide a lifeline for small businesses. iCapital offers flexible small business loan options designed to support businesses with up to $250,000 in assistance within 48 hours. Whether you're looking to navigate cash flow challenges or seize growth opportunities, our financing solutions can help you achieve your goals.

Effective cost-saving strategies are vital for the success of small businesses in today's competitive landscape. Small businesses can thrive and achieve long-term sustainability by embracing technology, optimizing operations, and seeking strategic financial assistance.

At iCapital, we're committed to supporting small businesses in Canada with tailored financial solutions and expert guidance. Contact us today at our toll-free number 1-877-251-7171, to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.

Small business financing Canada

Embracing AI: Small Business Marketing Success

Venturing into Artificial Intelligence (AI) may seem like treading uncharted waters, but it's an opportunity for small businesses to revolutionize marketing strategies and spark growth. Much like the buzz surrounding ChatGPT, AI tools offer myriad capabilities, ranging from task automation to personalized customer experiences. In fact, research shows that 39% of small businesses have already invested in AI tools to innovate their customer engagement and retention strategies, leveraging AI to save both time and money.

Unlocking the Power of AI Tools

AI tools span a wide spectrum of applications to streamline processes, analyze data, and optimize marketing campaigns. Let's explore some key AI tools commonly embraced in small business marketing:

Data analysis

AI-powered analytics programs sift through vast volumes of marketing data, distilling valuable insights and trends that inform strategic decisions and fuel campaign optimization. This enhances efficiency and facilitates cost savings, with 25% of businesses using these savings to increase wages and benefits.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP technology empowers chatbots and virtual assistants to engage customers in natural conversations, enriching customer service and sales interactions.

Automated decision-making

AI algorithms offer actionable recommendations, guiding marketing strategy decisions to ensure resource allocation aligns with business objectives and budget constraints.

Content generation

AI-driven tools churn out written content, such as blog posts and social media captions, at scale, freeing up time for creative endeavours while maintaining quality and consistency.

Real-time personalization

Leveraging customer data, AI enables personalized marketing experiences by delivering tailored recommendations and offers, thereby enhancing engagement and driving conversions.

Leveraging AI for Marketing Success

Incorporating AI tools into the marketing toolkit can yield substantial benefits for small businesses. Here's a roadmap to harnessing AI for marketing success:

Harness data insights

Utilize AI analytics platforms to extract actionable insights from marketing data, empowering informed decision-making and continuous optimization.

Elevate customer engagement

Deploy AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to provide personalized customer experiences, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.

Make informed choices

Rely on AI-driven recommendations to shape marketing strategy, ensuring alignment with business objectives and market dynamics.

Streamline content creation

Utilize AI content generation tools to produce high-quality written content efficiently, maintaining relevance and resonance with the audience.

Deliver tailored experiences

Leverage AI to deliver real-time personalized marketing messages and offers, nurturing deeper connections and driving conversions.

Designing an AI Marketing Strategy

Designing an effective AI marketing strategy requires careful planning and strategic execution. Here's how to do it:

Identify Business Requirements

Assess business needs and objectives to determine how AI can support marketing goals.

Decide AI Framework

Choose AI tools and technologies that align with business requirements and budget constraints.

The Right Approach

Adopt a strategic approach to implementing AI in the marketing strategy, focusing on areas where it can deliver the most significant impact.


Continuously monitor and refine the AI marketing strategy to adapt to changing market dynamics and emerging trends.

By embracing the power of AI, small businesses can unlock new avenues for growth and competitiveness in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With careful planning and strategic implementation, AI can be a game-changer for small business marketing, driving engagement, loyalty, and business success. So, let's embark on this exciting journey together and seize the opportunities that AI has to offer.

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Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses


As we embark on a new year, the ever-evolving digital landscape presents opportunities and challenges. In 2024, one of the paramount challenges demanding attention is the persistent threat of cyber attacks. 

Safeguarding your business against these threats is not just advisable—it's imperative. Let's explore the crucial cybersecurity strategies every small business should adopt for a secure and prosperous journey throughout 2024.

Understanding the Landscape

The IBC’s 2023 Cyber Security Survey revealed a concerning trend among small businesses. Despite over 60% considering their size immune to cybercriminal attention, small businesses with 1,000 or fewer employees experienced a surprising 43% of yearly cyber attacks in 2023.

Crucial Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses

Educate Your Team

Empowering your team with effective cyber threat identification skills is essential. Regular training sessions can equip them to recognize phishing emails, use strong passwords, and identify potential security risks. A well-informed team serves as the first line of defence against cyber adversaries.
Ensure your training addresses these common security issues:

1. Phishing attacks: Deceptive tactics to trick victims into sharing sensitive information or deploying harmful software.

2. Malware attacks: Cyber threats involving malicious software executing unauthorized actions.

3. Ransomware: Malicious software designed to deny access to files, demanding a ransom for decryption.

Employee Training and Awareness Programs

Acknowledge that your employees are not just integral to your business—they are the first line of defence against cyber threats. Regular training and awareness programs inform your team about the latest cyber threats and preventive measures. Cultivate a culture of cybersecurity awareness where every team member actively contributes to the protection of your business.

Strengthening Your Digital Shield

Crafting an impenetrable shield for your small business involves developing good cybersecurity habits through daily practices:

1. Regular Software Updates: Keep all software, including operating systems and security applications, up-to-date to patch vulnerabilities.

2. Security Audits: Conduct routine security audits to identify and rectify potential weaknesses in your systems.

3. Password Policies: Enforce strong password policies, promoting the use of complex, unique passwords.

4. Require long, varied passwords for sensitive accounts.

5. Enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Invest in Cybersecurity Technology

As cyber threats advance, upgrading defences is crucial. Invest in state-of-the-art cybersecurity tools like antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to serve as your digital guardians, actively monitoring and thwarting potential threats.

Proactive Preparedness

Craft a comprehensive incident response plan that includes:

1. Communication Protocols: Clearly define communication channels during a cyber incident.

2. Data Backup Strategies: Regularly back up critical data to minimize the impact of potential data loss.

3. Mitigation Steps: Establish procedures to mitigate potential damage during and after a cyberattack.

The Stakes Are High

In 2023, small businesses accounted for a significant portion of annual cyber attacks, emphasizing the need to view cybersecurity not as an expense but as an investment. Cybersecurity is not a luxury—it's a prerequisite for sustainable success. As you navigate the intricate web of business operations in 2024, remember that a secure foundation is key to achieving your goals. Despite the challenges in the digital realm, informed decisions and proactive measures can help your business emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.


The Top 10 Small Business Trends for 2024

As small business owners, anticipating the shifts that shape success is always on your agenda. In the ever-changing business landscape of 2024, specific trends will be crucial to staying relevant and thriving. Let's recap the top 10 trends that should be on your radar for the coming year:


1. Tech Integration for Maximum Efficiency:

Small businesses are unlocking the power of technology to streamline operations. From intuitive software to smart automation tools, embracing these innovations can enhance efficiency, trim costs, and keep you at the forefront of your industry.

2. Sustainability and Climate Change:

Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's a game-changer. Small businesses are discovering the benefits of eco-friendly practices, not only for the environment but also for their bottom line. Going green can set you apart and resonate with conscious consumers.

3. Flexible Work Models:

The 9-to-5 office setup is evolving. Small businesses are embracing flexible work arrangements—remote work, flexible hours, and hybrid models—opening doors to a global talent pool while fostering a healthier work-life balance for your team.  

Related: A shortened workweek: fad or the future of work?

4. Personalized Customer Experiences:

In an era where personalization reigns supreme, small businesses are customizing customer experiences. From targeted marketing to personalized products and services, understanding and meeting individual customer needs are keys to success.

5. Continued Growth of E-commerce:

E-commerce is not slowing down. Small businesses are seizing the opportunity to reach a broader audience, implement targeted marketing, and offer convenient purchasing options. Investing in a robust online presence is no longer a choice—it's a necessity.

6. Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-being:

A healthy work environment is essential. Small businesses are putting employee well-being first, introducing initiatives like employee assistance programs, flexible schedules, and wellness benefits to create a thriving and productive workforce.

7. Digital Marketing, Content Creation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Stay ahead in the digital era by creating valuable content, engaging with customers through social media, and implementing SEO strategies. Integrate AI to streamline content creation processes, adding a layer of innovation to your marketing strategy. 

Related Article: 7 ways how AI empowers small businesses to achieve more in less time

8. Cybersecurity and Data Protection:

In the digital age, safeguarding your business is crucial. Invest in strong cybersecurity to protect sensitive data and maintain customer trust. Shockingly, small businesses, including those with 1,000 or fewer employees, account for 43% of annual cyber attacks in 2023. This data underscores the need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies to fortify your defence against potential threats.

9. Innovative Payment Solutions:

How we pay is evolving, and your business should evolve with it. Consider offering various payment options, including mobile wallets and contactless payments, to cater to diverse customer preferences.

10. Agile Business Models:

Agility is the cornerstone of success in 2024. Be responsive to market changes, adapt swiftly to challenges, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Flexibility in operations and decision-making will give your business a competitive edge.

Incorporating these trends into your business strategy isn't just smart; it's the key to staying relevant and successful. Keep these considerations in mind as you navigate the dynamic landscape of 2024.

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